The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #51599   Message #806393
Posted By: An Croenen
18-Oct-02 - 05:48 PM
Thread Name: Help: nice place to buy guitar uk
Subject: RE: Help: nice place to buy guitar uk
Hi again - I haven't been on line for a while and read your messages with enthusiasm! I have since tried out a Big Baby Taylor, great, but it didn't whisper buy me. And it wasn't just because I hope to spend less than £360, because I'm sure that if I fall in love with a guitar I may spend more than that, because I want it; it also had to do with the sound. I am used to playing nylon strings (just because I am still playing the guitar I learnt to play on when 16) and its sound is more 'solid'- I'm not good at describing sounds- but it contrasts well with my rather light female voice, whereas the Taylor was more in the same 'female' sound range. (I hope I am putting this right and not making a fool of myself). So. I am travelling to Rome in two weeks and shall have a good look around there, too, not because I'm becoming obsessed, mind you) I am also in the area of Carlisle soon. Any shops worth checking out there?