The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #52587   Message #806423
Posted By: Bobert
18-Oct-02 - 06:35 PM
Thread Name: BS: N. Korea may have the big bomb!
Subject: RE: BS: N. Korea may have the big bomb!

I didn't start this thread because I have used up my monthly quota but don't think I didn't think about it.

I'm not gonna say much more about your guy that I haven't casually mentioned a few times before but he ain't no total dummie. Now that ought to give you a case ot the warm and fuzzies.

No, like what else could he do about learning that NK has the bomb? Ahhhh, like nothin, that's what. And he's doing nothing rather well, as he should.

Funny thing is, NK needs and wants so bad to get into the game and have a good relationship with the western world. And they need a lot of help. If Bush had really had a world view on that dark day of the "Axis of Evil" speech, he could have done something with NK similar to Nixon going to China. It's not too late but now he's gonna have to eat a good helping of crow pie when he gets there.

As fir NK having nuclear waepons? Hey, comes as no surprise. You shun folks long enough and they're gonna get understandingly paraniod and look around at trying to figure how to *protect* themselves. This development is the end result of failed foriegn policies of the US that go back a long, long time over many administrations.

Lastly, now we have proff that Iraq has nothin'! If Iraq had a punch then Bush would be more inclined to exercise diplomacy he's showing NK.
