The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #52630   Message #806499
Posted By: GUEST,Boab
19-Oct-02 - 01:54 AM
Thread Name: BS: Disadvantages of Maturing
Subject: RE: BS: Disadvantages of Maturing
Aye, misophist---I know what you mean anout the hair.I get ribbed about my favourite hat, a leather Mexican wide brim. I get "Crocodile Dundee" jibes daily, and no matter how often I tell 'em it's mainly to keep the [white] hair out of my eyes, nobody seems to believe me. My partner is promising to cut it before tomorrow's {Sat] gig. I'm glad---I've had a couple of "Custers" thrown at me recently. Disadvantages? Aye, when you get to 72 there are some. As a young guy, I travelled the land on camping trips with six friends. Two of us are still around. I have many "new' friends, and have good health and vigour----but losing friends at any age is akin to losing part of yourself.