The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #52587   Message #806563
Posted By: Kaleea
19-Oct-02 - 06:39 AM
Thread Name: BS: N. Korea may have the big bomb!
Subject: RE: BS: N. Korea may have the big bomb!
Give somebody the DUH!! award. "We" are just finding this out--how could this be? I could have told 'em they had it! How did I know? The countries who keep their masses poor & hungry usually do! That's why the people are poor & hungry--the so called "leader" is spending all the $$ of the people on nukes & his own personal gain. That's why it's fun being a dictator. DUH!!
   I heard some of my fav musicians at Winfield this year singing a terrific song called, "NOT IN MY NAME!"   I wish more people could hear that one. And then there's: . . .an eye for an eye, and another eye for another eye, till all are blind & cannot see." And what about the "ten suggestions" and the one that says, "Thou shalt not kill." Then there's the "golden rule." Gee, if everyone who practices any of the major religions on this planet would read their own scriptures, they would see--in writing--that they are not supposed to kill other people, and that they are supposed to treat others as "brothers," & it is not referring to the way "Cain & Abel" treated each other. However, there has been war since "Cain & Abel." As long as there are humans with their minds filled with rage for reasons they have long forgotten, I suppose there will be wars. Why is it that people can still hate long after they have forgotten what the hate was about? I will never understand how people can claim that any "God" has told them to kill. It is a lie. Humans tell humans to kill. Humans hate. God--by whatever name--does not.