The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #52587   Message #806748
Posted By: DougR
19-Oct-02 - 02:12 PM
Thread Name: BS: N. Korea may have the big bomb!
Subject: RE: BS: N. Korea may have the big bomb!
Bobert: not once did you mention that NK violated the accord of 1994 in which in exchange for our providing them nuclear materials, money, and other materials for domestic use, they used it instead for their weapons program. NK is a prime example of why I believe you, and those who think like you, are wrong in your approach to dealing with dictators. If you appease them, they will consider this a weakness and will answer kindness with aggression. Saddam did it, and NK's dictator did it.

The only question I have is, will Jimmy Carter be asked to give back the Nobel Prize for Peace, since it was he who brokered the 1994 Accord, and Clinton agreed to it. Part of the reason he was given the award, I believe, was for his humanitarian efforts, and his "keen" negotiating skills with the dictator of NK.

Both Carter and Clinton should be called before Congressional Committees to explain why they got us into this mess in NK.

Troll: Well said.
