The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #52587   Message #806969
Posted By: Bobert
19-Oct-02 - 08:53 PM
Thread Name: BS: N. Korea may have the big bomb!
Subject: RE: BS: N. Korea may have the big bomb!
You ask a good question, Don, and I think the answer lies somewhere in the mix of the following:

1. The leadership of corporate US is morally bankrupt and is more interested in the bottom line than any of the following: A./ its workers, B./ laws and C./ those entitities or individuals who will have to be destroyed to keep the corporation profitable.

2. The US's absolute *nationalism* in that it feels like it has to win them all, irregardless of the means by which victory is achieved.

3. The US was the first to have the "bomb", first and only country to use the "bomb" and that has to creat a level of negative Karma that has never been dealt with.

4. The US has not been blessed with the level of leadership that it needs and those leaders it has been blessed with have all been killed by folks who had no apparent good motive. Bobert's first "hmmmmmmm?" of this post.

5. The US has a certain arrogance that came with the victories over Germany and Japan that it's older, and more influencal citizens, want to keep burning and pass down to their kids and grandkids. (No comment.)

6. The US consumes a lion's share of the earth's resources.

7. The US, like it or not, is the world's last remaining super power and as such feels like the orderliness of the rest of the world is on its shoulders.

Well, that's a few of my thoughts on why the US "does not play well with others."
