The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #52647   Message #807002
Posted By: GUEST,Paris, France -
19-Oct-02 - 10:21 PM
Thread Name: Drunk Driving
Subject: RE: Drunk Driving
Hi there everyone, and greetings from Paris, France.

As a musician I get to observe 'the general public' in action.

Every government is committed, quite rightly, to diminish road deaths, of which many are caused by excessive alcohol intake.
With income from the taxes, one has to wonder how genuine is this goal? But the problem is not there.

Alcohol is a good source of revenue, even the band has to be included in the measurements of the return on investment in having entertainment for the people, some of the clubs we pay in measure our performance on the number of drinks sold and even gives us bonuses on a 'good' night.

If businesses that are licensed to sell alcohol also made available (free or at 'cost price') alcohol tests (under a dollar per test) consumers would be able to make an informed the decision about their lives and the lives of others with facts before going out.

Would this this have to be legislated, why don't we consumers just insist on it?

Fewer people, no system is perfect, would be able to get into a car with any excuses about alcohol content. The cost would be less than one percent of the advertising that alcohol companies spend, less than that from the gov't income.

It would also place more responsibility on each person, make 'repression' a common social goal with a clear objective for everyone - don't get behind the wheel if you are over the alcohol limit. Here's a test just so you can check yourself out.

Why not just have an alcohol test attached to every bottle of alcohol sold? Compare the cost of this suggestion with the cost and the trajedy of DD.

Not every one is going to want to be offered a test etc... but 'most' people would be happy to have some reliable source of information about their state/level before getting behind the wheel and driving, and after being able to check their level, might think again?

I'm just a musician and not a gov't official out there protecting you from yourselves.

I also bear in mind that I'm writing from a French perspective and maybe some states are already doing this in the USA. If this is the case, which states are involved and what are the results?