The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #52587   Message #807092
Posted By: GUEST,Taliesn
20-Oct-02 - 04:01 AM
Thread Name: BS: N. Korea may have the big bomb!
Subject: RE: BS: N. Korea may have the big bomb!
"Uh Bobert? What U. N. Resolution(s) is the U. S. in violation of? Enlighten me, por favor.

And you folks that aren't concerned about NK or Iraq getting the bomb ...that will certainly ensure me a good night's sleep.

DougR "

Uh, Rev.Bobert? Ofcourse he could always claim to ha've not read my post , but correct me if I be jumping to conclusions ,but
does this DougR response constitute a bonafied *dodge* to this attempt at a dialogue?

(instant replay quote )
"There was a great deal of criticizm on the Mudcat of GWB when he included North Korea in his "Axis of Evil" speech most will recall. It appears he may have been right don't you think?
DougR "

Well then ofcourse you should be the first to call for Dubya to make a new speech explaining why we must now take immediate military action to "disarm" NK.
I mean the whole world now knows that NK now has "proven" nuke tech waeponry * without inspectors* and has a far more advanced ballistic delivery system to go with it than Iraq aspires to.

Shouldn't it be the logical *real politique* act for you & fellow Bushites to call for the Dubya/Dick "Big Time" Cheney/ Condi Rice/ Paul Wolfowitz/ Richard Perl warchoir to *seize* the initiative and now *make an example* of NK so as to show Iraq we mean business?

C'mon, Daddy Dubya's buddies in Beijing won't mind.....will they?


I'm really spoon-feeding here ,but a thoughtful response would be , how shall I say ,....*prudent*.