The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #52587   Message #807127
Posted By: Troll
20-Oct-02 - 06:41 AM
Thread Name: BS: N. Korea may have the big bomb!
Subject: RE: BS: N. Korea may have the big bomb!
The reason that countries like Beigium and Denmark don't have significant numbers of military personnel is that they don't need them. They are protected by the troops of NATO. Perhaps some of you have heard of it. The US is the largest member and furnishes the most troops.
I can remember very well, back in the 1950's, those times when we had our bags packed and were ready to leave for France at a moments notice. You see, the Russians were massing tanks and troops on the border and the NATO troops (read US) stood ready to oppose them should they cross over.
So those small countries have been able to develop in peace and security because the Us and Britain have stood ready to defend them. They have contributed according to their ability when called upon, but they have had no real need to develop a large military. Don, I hope this helps you understand the role of the US and NATO in Europe and why the smaller European countries seem to be better off than their larger neighbors.
The reasons that Bush would not call for an immediate attack on North Korea are two.
1) the NK Government has admitted to the violations of the 1994 accords and seem to be in a conciliatory mood. Saddam has admitted nothing and maintains his belligerant attitude.
2) Of even greater importance is the fact that NK has thousands of artillery pieces along the DMZ which could dump literally thousands of high explosive shells on the civilian population of Seoul. They also have delivery systems capable of hitting Japan.
Every situation must be handled differently. Just like in business or, even closer to home, entertaining, you have to judge each audience separately and taylor your songs accordingly.
Bobert, when you spoke of the leaders who were killed, I hope you weren't referring to the Kennedy brothers. If you were, may I suggest that you put the sentiment aside and read a good modern treatment of JFK's presidency.
RFK came to the anti-war ranks only when he decided to run for president. As JFK's Atty Gen, he hewed to the party line and defended the US presence in Viet Nam. Quite frankly, I don't see where seeing which way the wind is blowing, getting out front, and shouting "Follow Me!" constitutes leadership.
But I could be wrong. Or at least have unpopular opinions.
