The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #52587   Message #807249
Posted By: saulgoldie
20-Oct-02 - 11:57 AM
Thread Name: BS: N. Korea may have the big bomb!
Subject: One Option, ONLY!
The world has reached the place where there is only one option for the survival of the human species and many other species, as well. That is that we must solve our problems in a manner superior to that of chucking spears (literally or metaphorically). We must evolve emotionally and with regard to wisdom just as our knowledge has evolved to where a small gaggle of people can anihilate(sp?) everyone rather than just maim each other and a couple of onlookers. It takes the whole world of leaders acting wisely and with long-range vision.

It both saddens me and scares me that at the moment my country's contribution to that process (if there even IS a process) cannot properly utter common words and phrases, much less think thoughts more than three paragraphs deep.