The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #52582   Message #807764
Posted By: Kim C
21-Oct-02 - 10:18 AM
Thread Name: Obit: Bashful Brother Oswald (1911-2002)
Subject: RE: OBIT: Bashful Brother Oswald
One thing I miss on the Opry, is all the corny jokes. Mike Snider (who is a great banjo player, by the way) is the only one left who does. And boy, he tells a few doozies!

My favorite little joke that Oswald used to tell: Whiskey and women kilt my daddy. He couldn't get either one so he laid down and died!

And there was a song he used to sing - I don't remember exactly how it went, but one of the verses was about Adam and Eve hoeing in the garden, and "she hit him in the eye with a tater." :-)