The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #52720   Message #808384
Posted By: Pied Piper
22-Oct-02 - 05:45 AM
Thread Name: Talking and other session etiquette
Subject: RE: Talking and other session etiquette
Spot on Boab and My guru.
   A good singer will shut a Pub up without any leaky gas mains. If someone shushes me in a pub my first instincts are to punch their lights out. This kind of authoritarian arrogance takes away from people the right to respond naturally to a good song sung well.
   If folks talk when you're singing, then your not good enough, simple as that.
   I don't see why anyone should sit in silent rapt attention as someone murders "Dublin in the rare old times" at 1/4 the normal speed and forgets (or more likely never bothered to learn) the 3rd verse and so repeats the 2nd three times.
   Performances like this killed a lot of folk clubs and I'm buggered if I'm going to meekly accept it in a Pub session.
    All the best PP