The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #52587   Message #809135
Posted By: Troll
23-Oct-02 - 07:47 AM
Thread Name: BS: N. Korea may have the big bomb!
Subject: RE: BS: N. Korea may have the big bomb!
It's not hard to have an incredible gap between rich and poor when CEOs make millions of dollars a year and are given immense severance packages, when the Board of Directors gets huge bonuses just before the company flies for bankruptcy or "downsizes" half of it's employees out of a job, or when a company moves its operation to a third world country because it's easier to make huge profits that way.
And it's not against the law either. But it could be if the voters would force their Congressmen to restructure the tax laws and rewrite the corporate laws. But that'll never happen no matter WHO is in the White House and in control of Congress and the Senate.
They are not going to do anything that takes money out of THEIR pockets.


There will be people sleeping on the sidewalk in NYC this winter but you may be sure that we'll send humanitarian aid to North Korea. And I wouldn't be surprised if sume of it is siphoned off to the NK Army or whoever.
