The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #52587   Message #809417
Posted By: GUEST
23-Oct-02 - 01:17 PM
Thread Name: BS: N. Korea may have the big bomb!
Subject: RE: BS: N. Korea may have the big bomb!
Doug: what's this crap about lambasting "anti-Bush folks" about not "staying current with the news???" First off that is just plain snotty, and secondly it is wildly inaccurate.

YOU the one not paying attention to current headlines, since you seem to think Bush is now being a good boy and doing just what the UN tells him to. You are ignoring what happened in the early days of this most recent line of aggression against Saddam Hussein. Before he declared he was going to go the sane route and proceed with weapons inspections, the news headlines said Bush was calling for an invasion of Iraq within a week to two week's time! Obviously he spoke too hastily and the warmonger strings holding the puppet had to reign him in slightly. Even post-Nine-Eleven he can't away with a sudden declaration of war like this...not when the target is not clearly an immediate threat (no more than usual anyway).

This is about the next election. This is about not being able to hunt down Osama bin Laden. This is about justifying the enormous military build-up to the tune of billions of taxpayers' dollars in the last few months. This is about oil. This is NOT about who poses a threat the United States.

Anyone realize what's heppening in Columbia this week?

It might be in a newspaper near you...