The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #52811   Message #809537
Posted By: InOBU
23-Oct-02 - 04:51 PM
Thread Name: Quakers Held to a Higher Standard...
Subject: Quakers Held to a Higher Standard...
I have to chuckle about the way a few catter's assume that because one is a Quaker, one should be a pious saintly creature. JEEZE LOUEEZE! If you guys only knew what growing up Quaker means, there is the Quaker girl (whose name I will not mention, though she'd giggle at the memory I am sure) who took a shower with the Friends School basketball team to spur them on to victory! There is the Elder of the meeting, who has since died, who was the greatest respository of dirty jokes of any one I knew, who once said, I drink therefore I think... there is the clerk of our meeing who asked about Universalism, said, "I'd like to call my self a universalist... but frankly... I don't believe ANYTHING!" The same fellow who, when a Mudcatter called me out for saying give me an Effing break, by saying Would You Say that To God in Meeting! This friend (John...) and I rememinced about times when Friends HAVE said just about that very thing in meeting!
It is a concept not unlike the magic Indian.. . the wize other... I don't see Mudcatters saying, "Some Catholic YOU are!" or "What kind of a Jew are you to say such and such!"
NEWSFLASH!!! QUAKERS ARE HUMANS!!! and some of us have a limit to our piousness, one of which is folks who are afraid of putting their names on their views getting on a soap box about things I say... SO, m'dears... thanks for the chuckles. John and I sometimes crack each other up without saying a word at silent meeting, and you have given us ample fuel for the next set of yucks! Cheers Larry