The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #11076   Message #80956
Posted By: Clarence (mawinlaw)
23-May-99 - 08:14 AM
Thread Name: CATSPAW .. at a Loss for Words, but Thank You
Subject: RE: CATSPAW .. at a Loss for Words, but Thank You
Tiple? or is it Tipple? So are Cletus and Paw in the band or are they the band or have they absconded with the band's lead tippler, Clara Whipple? I had this vision of her tied to some railroad tracks in Lancaster, (the State name was not part of the vision). If I click on the little speaker thingee in the bottom right hand corner of my screen, can I hear the tiplers tipling? (or is that tipplers, tippling?) Could we arrange for me to be met at Shaw's on the square by the band? I will remind you once again (to give you a chance to run for cover), I will be in town on June 4th. I will bring tiple treats incase the guys can make it. Love to all.......Clarence