The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #11124   Message #80959
Posted By: Banjer
23-May-99 - 08:47 AM
Thread Name: Catspaw....Donations
Subject: RE: Catspaw....Donations
Well, Clarence, I tell ya what it looks like to me....Whoever it is that's looking out for the 'Spaw clan arranged for this less than apt employee to "forget" to detag the box, cause you to raise hell, and get another $60 bucks heading to where it's needed.... Some of them "Powers That Be" do work in strange and mysterious ways, don't they?

All ya'all remember that just cause the big cat's is back in the litter box raisin' a ruckus don't mean they don't need a little boost. Let's make sure them cards and letters get remailed and maybe while ya got the envelope open anyway ya might have a little spare from last week, huh?

Note to 'Spaw, we don't even wanna hear it...Your Maw-in-Law said you'd probably have kittens over it and like I said in another post somewhere, just put it on your list of things to get over and shut up!!

Banjer dun spoke!