The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #52587   Message #809663
Posted By: Bobert
23-Oct-02 - 07:26 PM
Thread Name: BS: N. Korea may have the big bomb!
Subject: RE: BS: N. Korea may have the big bomb!
Oh, don't even get my sorry Wse Ginny butt going on the media, toadfrog, because they have very little to do with reporting the news and a lot about manipulating the working class while entertaining it...

But, now this privatization of Social Security? That's a different story. We don;t have to go back too far to see that the Repubs *hate* Social Security. They foughg with FDR on it. They said it was socialism. They fought the Medicare program. They said it's socialism. Now I don't like the Dems to much these days because Bill Clinton took it further to the right than its been in my life time, but the Repubs are the biggest crybabies. Heck, they almost always get their way and when they don't they spend million of bucks on PR folks to sway the working class to vote for stuff that is *not* at all in the best interest in the working class. Hmmmmmm?

So now they want to bleed the Social Security system by sticking leeches all over and embezzeling the money. Hmmmmmm? Like that's gonna make solve the problems with Social Security?!?!.... That's like amputation to cure the common hangnail. But that's exactly what they are gonna do afetr the Repubs win back control of the Senate.

So, like I have menti0oned on another thread. Oh heck, it was this one. If you think you've seen poverty in the US, just give the Repubs *unfettered* access into the working class's wallets and revisit the great US of A in, oh, about 15 years....

You ain't seen nuthin yet...
