The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #52630   Message #809725
Posted By: Bill D
23-Oct-02 - 08:34 PM
Thread Name: BS: Disadvantages of Maturing
Subject: RE: BS: Disadvantages of Maturing
"Ve grow too zoon old, und too late schmart"

But I'm 'schmarter' than I used to be, and at 63, I ain't TOO old to cash in on some of what I know...

At 50 & 55, I stood on my head while folks recited "You Are Old, Father William" I can't stand on my head again due to a disc problem, but I can still sit in full lotus....briefly....*grin*

The real disadvantages for me are connected with my views of what the world is becoming and the sadness that my generation did little about the problems when we had the chance, and that I don't see current generations doing much either. (There are more than TWICE as many people as there were when I was 18!!...and they are no closer to getting along with each other, and they ALL want the good life!)

I personally am in pretty good health, but my memory needs some upgrades...(you do know, don't you, that at some point, when you learn a new song, you have to uninstall an old one? But unfortunately, it is random....I can remember stupid old things, but have lost some good ones!)