The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #52836   Message #810006
Posted By: Bat Goddess
24-Oct-02 - 08:03 AM
Thread Name: BS: Happy Birthday To SINSULL!
Subject: RE: BS: Happy Birthday To SINSULL!
Of COURSE you're still middle-aged -- so am I (and intend to be for a looooong time). I know for a fact neither of us is old. (We just have more memories than the younger set -- and I'll always be younger than you, nyah, nyah, so I'll just have to come over and dust you.)

Didja get the card yet?

I think the smells have dissipated from the B.D. gift you gave me -- and it can soon be brought back into the house. ;-)

Have a GREAT B.D. and celebrate for at least a month (how about moving into a new house? would that be a good way to celebrate?). It's my mother's birthday today, too.
