The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #52587   Message #810743
Posted By: Lonesome EJ
24-Oct-02 - 11:54 PM
Thread Name: BS: N. Korea may have the big bomb!
Subject: RE: BS: N. Korea may have the big bomb!
It continues to amaze me how something like this, North Korea announcing it has nukes, gets politicized into a reason to support Bush on attacking Iraq, or attacking Bush as someone who chooses his enemies unfairly,on and on, etcetera etcetera. The crucial fact is another extremist tin-horn dictatorship has gotten its hands on the Bomb, and instead of talking about meaningful control of nuclear proliferation, we turn it into a Bush issue. Because America has the Bomb, we shouldn't have any say about other nations acquiring it?That's fricking ridiculous. When the US and the USSR were poised on opposite sides of the fence with innumerable nukes, why weren't the buttons pushed? Because each power had too much to lose by doing so. If nuclear proliferation is allowed to continue unheeded, sooner or later a fanatic state with nothing to lose will get the Bomb. Then all the noise about whether Bush is right or wrong about Iraq will be put in its true perspective.