The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #52848   Message #811346
Posted By: Amos
25-Oct-02 - 03:53 PM
Thread Name: Lyr Add: wrote this for a friend (Memories Stay)
Subject: RE: BS: wrote this for a friend
Main Entry:        1stout
Pronunciation:        'staut
Function:        adjective
Etymology:        Middle English, from Middle French estout, of Germanic origin; akin to Old High German stolz proud; perhaps akin to Old High German stelza stilt -- more at STILT
Date:        14th century
1 : strong of character: as a : BRAVE, BOLD b : FIRM, DETERMINED; also : OBSTINATE
2 : physically or materially strong: a : STURDY, VIGOROUS b : STAUNCH, ENDURING c : sturdily constructed
4 : bulky in body
synonym see STRONG
- stout·ish /'stau-tish/ adjective
- stout·ly adverb

By God, look at that!! I stand corrected, comment withdrawn. Thanks, guys!! Long time!! :>) And here i thought I knew EVERYTHING!