The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #52840   Message #811364
Posted By: Big Mick
25-Oct-02 - 04:32 PM
Thread Name: DC sniper; looks like they may have him?
Subject: RE: DC sniper; looks like they may have him?
Leave it to ignorance to show its ugly face.

The race of the perps has nothing to do with this. Nothing. Tim McVeigh was a Catholic, so was Hitler. ANY discussion of this tragedy in these terms is pathetic and unforgiveable.

Chief Moose did an excellent job. I am surprised to hear Claymore say anything to the contrary. I would have thought you would have focused instead on the ridiculous way that the administrators run investigations these days, and how they play to the media to the detriment of good police work. This investigation should have been left in the hands of the Detectives and Agents running the investigation. The media has absolutely no right to know any information other than what has to be disclosed to keep the public safe. There is no need for daily press conferences, and as far as I am concerned, any "unnamed source" that lets information out to the media should be prosecuted. Information should be on a need to know basis, and there is no "need to know" that the media has until it is over.

I was a few miles away from the last shooting when it occurred. I tried to leave the area (from staying an extra day after the Getaway to see Seamus Kennedy play and have dinner with my good friends from FSGW)but within a very short time the entire area was locked down. Roadblocks on major arteries, Police Officers at most major intersections scanning cars. They were magnificent in the execution of their plan. I ended up getting some breakfast and hanging out reading a paper until the roads opened.

Start to finish, with a very smart perp committed to killing, it took less than two weeks to apprehend this nutcase. The demagogic bullshit about missing him once, and missing the young man once, is just that...............bullshit. They did not have the appropriate information yet, and once they had it, they acted on it. These men and women literally pulled the proverbial needle out of the haystack.

I tire of the criticism. Was it a perfect investigation? Nope, never is and any good cop knows that. It is always a matter of good investigative technique, follow up, and being ready for the lucky break and acting on it appropriately. They did this and I am proud of them.

Even it it does come out that they held back, the assumption should not be that it was racially motivated. That is an old pile of shite.
