The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #52863   Message #811392
Posted By: Little Hawk
25-Oct-02 - 05:13 PM
Thread Name: Anyone else's postings vanishing?
Subject: RE: Anyone else's postings vanishing?
Ah-hah! I knew it wasn't just my imagination. This is a cyber-crisis in the works, friends, make no mistake!

Postings are vanishing down "post holes". YOUR posting could vanish NEXT!!!

Be double sure to copy and recopy your deathless words of wisdom before hitting the fickle "Submit" button and committing your prose to posterity...or obilivion.

The real question it a software it an anti-Shatner it a conservative plot??? It could even be all three! I expect CNN will shortly be on the job tracking this story down with 24-hour-a-day LIVE coverage, and just boring us all to tears until we get to the bottom of this deeply disturbing situation and uncover the great EVIL that lurks behind it!

Now. I ain't no dummy. I am copying this into the buffer. Twice. Then I'm posting it.

- LH