The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #52587   Message #812018
Posted By: Bobert
26-Oct-02 - 05:50 PM
Thread Name: BS: N. Korea may have the big bomb!
Subject: RE: BS: N. Korea may have the big bomb!
Teribus writes: "I have faith in the system that elected them (those at the top) and by which they were elected." Hmmmmmmm? You stickin' with this one, Ter? Ya' might want to give a little thought to this one...

Ahhh, seems there is a big old dog that Bush Junior wnats to keep in the cage. You know the cage. The one with all the other big dogs waiting for a piece of Junior's butt. And the last tiem I looked, I'm not too sure there's gonna be enough butt to go around.

Ya' know, Teribus, you and those in you camp are purdy danged good at *rationalizing* but historians will not be too kind to your emperor and his cronies. Well, unless of course, Junior just gets the entire planet blown up and then he and you won't have to worry about explainining this crap to your kids and grandkids.

Too bad. You seem like an industrious and well educated person. Just not too well developed in the area of faith, hope, love, compassion and sharing. I know these are tough concepts but they *can* be incorporated into a new way of co-existance here on the planet and make for a much safer place to live. But you don't have the wiring to see it. But don't feel like the Lone Ranger here. Your *elected* leaders seemed to have missed that day in school, also...

