The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #52958   Message #812714
Posted By: Joe Offer
27-Oct-02 - 05:37 PM
Thread Name: Dave Webber and Anni Fentiman
Subject: Dave Webber and Anni Fentiman
Do Dave Webber and Anni Fentiman have a tour schedule available anywhere on the Internet? Christina and I saw them Friday night at a house concert in Davis, California. As usual, they were terrific. As an extra treat, I knew half the people in the audience, and got to introduce my bride to them.
But back to Dave and Anni and their darn good concert. It was mostly the new stuff that you'll find on their 2002 CD, Away From It All. There's no mention of the CD on their Website, which seems to be quite out of date. Here are the cuts on the CD - I'll link to at least some of the lyrics later.

  1. Old Figurehead Carver (Rev. Hiram Cody/Dick Swain)
  2. Race of Long Ago (C. Fox Smith/trad)
  3. Gyetside Lass (J. Wilson)
  4. Dutch in the Medway (Kipling/Bellamy)
  5. Is Me Team A-Ploughing (A.E. Housman/Dave Webber)
  6. New Season's Love
  7. Derwentwaters's Farewell (trad)
  8. Old Ship of Mine (Arden/Pelosi)
  9. Joy of Living (MacColl)
  10. Contentment (Drive Dull Care Away) (trad)
  11. Song of the Sea (Shearman)
  12. My Boy Jack (Kipling/Bellamy)
  13. Lady Margaret (trad)
  14. Catch Me If You Can (trad)
  15. Nelson's Lament (trad)

Other songs in the concert were a song about a camp follower named Dolly Coxon, a Devon song about a goose fair, and a nice rendition of Barbara Allen. Let's see what else - after the intermission, there was an interesting version of Lord Randall I haven't heard before (better to have toads for your meat than to eat of the Wild, Wild Berry); something about mighty horses winning one's heart. There was also a great Geordie song about going to "Californiey" - I wish that one had made it onto the CD. Of course, there were the favorites like "O My Love Is Gone," and "My Lady of Autumn."
Great concert. I hope many of you get to see them on this tour.
-Joe Offer-

You'll find a nice article about Dave & Anni here (click).