The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #3113   Message #812896
Posted By: Abby Sale
28-Oct-02 - 12:49 AM
Thread Name: Halloween Songs [1]
Subject: Tal Lin
I was pleased to do Tam Lin tonight at our club. I don't know how well it went over (a capella) but it's a great song & a great Halloween song & I certainly enjoyed it. I do pretty much straight Child A version Child 39A (that's the one Steeleye based theirs on.) I did add a few Anglicazations - change "fast as she could hie" (pronounced 'hee') to "could speed." And the last verse to:
'But had I known, Tam Lin,' she says,
'What this night all I should,
I wad hae pulled out thy two grey eyes,
And put in two eyes o wood.'

Whatever, but I felt if people were going to listen for all that long they should at least have a chance to understand the punch line.

More importantly, while we learn a bit later that she's with child and we know, of course, that Scots in song only require a single sex act to become pregnant - I've always felt a bit cheated that it's never made clear in almost all versions sung just where and when it happened. It's censored out. Well, we know she must leave him some forfeit (a "wad") and we guess that Tam Lin gets to be the one to choose which kind she must pay. Still... so after verse 7, I collated-in verses 7 & 8 from version G.   Seems a better rounded story.

Happy Halloween!