The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #11153   Message #81299
Posted By:
24-May-99 - 01:26 PM
Thread Name: annap's gathering
Subject: annap's gathering
Hello everyone!

This is an off shoot of the ..create our own festival... thread. I don't know how to do a blue thingy so if you don't know what I'm talking about please see the other thread. Or maybe someone can create it for me.

I hope you have all had a wonderful weekend. Allen C. suggested that I create a different thread to organize the get-togethers and I felt this might be a good idea, so I did. Something happened to my old codename which was annap, so I created this new code name.

MAX, I am now in the database twice. Help!!

If anyone sent a message to annap, please send it to this new codename as I can no longer access the annap personal message thing. Sorry.

The date for the get-togethers are July 17th and August 14th. I know this is the same date as the MUDSTOCK99, but some of can't make it. So..we'll be there in spirit.

Please try to make it. We need more people. So far we only have about 8 who are definitely going to make it.

My e-mail is If you e-mail me or send a personal message I will send you the address and my phone number. There are small motels in the area, though I wouldn't recommend one in Sea Bright as we are a tourist town and they are expensive in the summer. I can house about 8-10 people, depending if some can double up in one bed or couch. We can pitch up to 4 tents in my yard. I've already told some people here in the area and I was surprised of the interest in folk/blues no-electric music. So they'll be coming. This is going to be so much fun.

Allen suggested I ask people to bring food, drink, etc. You are welcome to bring anything and I will have a lot of stuff available. I'm not rich by a long shot, but I do alright and I lucked into a beautiful (to me anyway) location on the shore/river. I hope you staying in tents don't mind waking to my river. Can we have music while we're making breakfast?

I'm sorry I'm very excited about this.

See you soon. Love, Annap (MAXXX!!)