The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #52986   Message #813279
Posted By: Bobert
28-Oct-02 - 08:07 PM
Thread Name: The sniper and Islam
Subject: RE: The sniper and Islam
Hey, listen, I can change my name to Micheal Jordan but that ain't gonna improve my jump shot one danged bit. John Mohammed, John the Baptish, John Lennon, Porta-John, Johnny-Come-Lately, John Doe, Dear John, Johnny Appleseed or John Wilson, this guy was one thing and one thing only: a sick man with a gun!

You've tried to stir up this thing before, Trollster, and it didn't do too well the last time. Tell, ya' what. Why don't you spend a little time with *sheep in wloves clothing* so-called Christains, who are beating drums for actions that would make Jesus fall to his knees and puke. You spend a little time with these folks and you'll come away with a new perspective on just who is trying to f**k over whom!

Also, while you're at if ya' might want to check on the per capita income of the folks you think are the bad guys verses your knights in shining armor. Like Bruce Springsteen said: "Sooner or later it all comes down to money."
