The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #53001   Message #813610
Posted By: catspaw49
29-Oct-02 - 11:14 AM
Thread Name: Ethics: Skinning housecat for banjo head
Subject: RE: Ethics: Skinning housecat for banjo head
**Spaw peruses names on this thread and decides, what the it**

I think instrument people have enough problems without invoking the wrath of animal rights folks. Like Emos Laer Parc, who was a Scandanavian Violin maker in upstate New York and had apprenticed in Germany. He set up a business in N.Y. building a very high dollar and high quality violin.

Parc was killed by one of his customers about 5 years ago. Actually, it was the father of a young man who was known to be an up and coming violinist. They had sought out Parc and he made them a very custom model which by all reports was exceptional. The boy was quite satisfied I guess but about a year later he failed to take a first place in a junior competition in New York City. Evidently the father couldn't believe this was any fault of the boy and blamed it instead on the violin.

The father and son went to Parc's shop on numerous occasions and although the boy was polite according to others who witnessed these scenes, the father was adamant that Parc's fiddle had been the kid's undoing and that he should have purchased one of the better known European models. Parc offered to make any adjustments the son might want, but refused to refund the money. I guess he had several well known violinists play the instrument and they all confirmed it's quality and sound.

The final meeting came one night when the father showed up unexpectedly and shot Parc with a front of witnesses. The trial was pretty quick and the guy got a life sentence for Second Degree Murder as a result of domestic violins.




Sorry.......(Emos Laer Parc = some real crap)

Spaw....yeah, it's the 4th time in two days I've posted this sue me....