The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #52986   Message #814409
Posted By: McGrath of Harlow
30-Oct-02 - 10:51 AM
Thread Name: The sniper and Islam
Subject: RE: The sniper and Islam
Whether most Americans favour gun controls, and how far they'd like to go in that direction is interesting enough - but it's something Americans have to sort out for themselves. (I suppose it would be possible to define handguns and rifles as a dispersed weapon of mass destruction, given the numbers killed every year, and argue for an preemptive invasion...But I'd be agin that.)

The reason I mentioned those poll results like that was as an indication that there's nothing anti-American in my believing that stricter gun controls over there would be rather a good idea. The fewer Americans get shot, by other Americans or by anyone else, the better, that's how I see it.