The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #53088   Message #815603
Posted By: catspaw49
31-Oct-02 - 08:12 PM
Thread Name: They Finally Nailed Me This Time!
Subject: RE: They Finally Nailed Me This Time!
Karen never wears make-up or does anything just for her. About q year ago though she started with the nail thing and we have them done every two weeks or so.....makes her kinda' too because she does so little for herself and so much for all the rest of us.

Anyway, once you start it IS important to keep up with the process or they get weak and break of which can be pretty painful. I lve the colors and like her doing the seasonal things (littlle Christmas trees, Jack-O-Lanterns, etc.). The funniest one is a temperature sensitve color they refer to a "Mood Polish." It changes color with temperature and also glows in the dark.

Hope it works out for you Rick. I read somewhere that Arlo had once bought a huge shitload of Nationals knowing that one day............
