The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #53088   Message #815612
Posted By: Rick Fielding
31-Oct-02 - 08:26 PM
Thread Name: They Finally Nailed Me This Time!
Subject: RE: They Finally Nailed Me This Time!
So AG has a LOT of Nationals eh?

Well let's see. I've always used picks on the index and middle finger. I started out using them for Bluegrass banjo pickin'. Started playin' guitar that way after a while as well, when I wasn't using a flat pick.

HOWEVER.....if these are comfortable by tomorrow afternoon I'm goin' back to the lady and get one put on my ring finger as well. Makes for a completely different style (while still keepin' my previous one)

I played for about two hours tonight at a friend's place while Heather took their kids trick or treating and as much as it slows me down quite a bit, I can see that it might work with a bit of effort....and boy would I like to stop having to use "inferior metal" picks.

I used to like the hardness of Nationals, and even the Dunlop .25s are too soft. The artificial nails are very smooth and seem pretty strong. Plus the installer-lady is only a couple of blocks away.

