The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #53052   Message #815756
Posted By: GUEST,allen woodpecker
01-Nov-02 - 04:45 AM
Thread Name: Help Choose 20 Most Popular Irish Songs
Dirty Old Town???!!!!! AAAARRRRGGGHHHH!
This is just the kind of ill informed paddy-whackery I was talking about before. Jesus save us! For the info of GUEST, that song was written by Ewan McColl about the town of Salford in Lancs, England. It's mainly due to pig ignorant, rent-a-mick, craic-águs-ceol, Oirish pub band a-holes that the world and his wife thinks the entire repertoire of Irish songs numbers about thirty. Bands and individual singers need to firstly promote the huge diversity of songs that we have through performing them, and secondly stop peddling all the same old kack. I know that in pubs, drunken punters always ask for the inevitable selections - coz I've done the pub band thing in the past -but both they and the performers would surely enjoy themselves more by being open to new and different material. The performers wouldn't feel like they're ploughing through the same old stuff week in, week out, and the lives of the punters would be enriched. Sorry, I've gone off on one, but this is one of my MAJOR pet hates. a.w.