The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #53088   Message #816591
Posted By: Rick Fielding
01-Nov-02 - 11:13 PM
Thread Name: They Finally Nailed Me This Time!
Subject: RE: They Finally Nailed Me This Time!
Holy cow Burke....No they DON'T!

I got the third one put on, and I've fiddled around with it a bit (Dremiling and such) and it looks like I'll try to play the concert sans metal picks (for the first time in .....oh.. lets say....ever!). They're still damned uncomfortable but I'm starting to be able to do my thumb-index single string runs (the Gary Davis technique) but not real fast yet.

As far as drop thumb on the banjo? This may not work (although perhaps , like the guitar I'm gonna have to spend some time at it. A lot of the subtlety is lost. If ya just wanna frail with no dynamics, the artificial nails work fine.....but if ya want it to SOUND like Tom Ashley, Buell Kazee, or Uncle make take a lotta time. I'll try, anyway.
