The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #53088   Message #816845
Posted By: CraigS
02-Nov-02 - 11:26 AM
Thread Name: They Finally Nailed Me This Time!
Subject: RE: They Finally Nailed Me This Time!
As someone who shudders at the thought of a haircut, I've always shied away from artificial nails, but of late I've had a lot of broken nails and have been considering this seriously. I can't use fingerpicks properly, particularly metal ones, as I tend to do things like upstrokes with my thumb and frailing with the edge of my fingers. The picks spend a lot of time on the floor when they should be on my fingers. What I really want to know about is how long they last without attention, how long can you let them "grow" without replacing them, and so forth. I can see that as a fast fix they would work, but is this better than the old dirty tricks like superglueing a broken nail back together, or using superglue as nail varnish?