The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #53052   Message #817115
Posted By: The Pooka
02-Nov-02 - 06:43 PM
Thread Name: Help Choose 20 Most Popular Irish Songs
Oy. "Wut we got *heah* is, FAYLEyuh t' c'MYOON'cate." :)

Look, it's Definitional, is all. I think we know what we mean by Popular. Gosh darn it, people *like* it. But what do we mean by "Irish"? Haven't you guys heard of the scientific quest for the Theory of **Everything**? :) Ah weel. " other worthy opponents."

OKOK. I may have missed it above, but: how about "The Rising of the Moon" for a Popular Crossover? I.e., well-known, drunkenly-much-requested (or - not so??); and though not ancient, still actually Irish. *OKOKOK* not the *melody*!! (Geez!) But, the lyrics. The Content. (I'm assuming it's now more popularly known than "The Wearing of the Green".)

Up all the Authentic Irish, and all the John McCormack genre too, and the 33rd & 34th Counties Liverpool & Botany Bay; and even the bold Clancys of the far Tipperary, UK, sez I. :) Gimme Wolfetones and I don't care.

Oh, and Gareth: re that Norman business. It was just Business. It was never Personal. :)

Ducking & Running, Flopping & Hopping,
- Pook Mahone