The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #51849   Message #817451
Posted By: Charley Noble
03-Nov-02 - 12:05 PM
Thread Name: CD Release! Roll & Go
Subject: RE: CD Release! Roll & Go
Just an update on what we've been up to. This weekend five of us caravaned 4 hours up to Houlton, Maine, where Brett spent years growing up, for a concert at their UU Church. Twas a little scary as we crossed the County line and plowed into a major snow squall but we somehow made it to the old Burnham homestead, then whipped into town to set up the lights and sound system in the magnificent old sanctuary-lovely wood beamed ceiling and paneling. And sure enough, about a hundred folks showed up and after persistent coaching helped raise the roof on the choruses and refrains. A really smashing evening, and we even sold a dozen CD's (which is why I'm posting this blurb). The Church members were very pleased, as we divided the gate 50:50 with them after their expenses. We spent the night at the Burnham homestead, finally getting a chance to enjoy the lovely pasta meal Brett's parents had prepared for us, listening to his father's stories and finally dropping into our respective beds around 1 PM. Blasted out of the house after coffee and muffins by 7 AM and now I'm sitting at home again thinking about lunch.

This sea music thing can be a whole lot of fun!

Charley Noble, off the road again