The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #53001   Message #817638
Posted By: GUEST,Ms Penelope Rutledge
03-Nov-02 - 04:11 PM
Thread Name: Ethics: Skinning housecat for banjo head
Subject: RE: Ethics: Skinning housecat for banjo head
Well! I am not going to remain silent when people joke about murdering cats in order to fashion primitive, bucolic instruments! This thread is deeply offensive. I have devoted many hours to rescuing homeless kitties in the Twillingsgate area, and I am appalled at the vulgar humour displayed in this discussion. While I understand that some of you are speaking tongue in cheek, I believe that there is a certain line which one should not cross, and it has definitely been crossed here.

Banjos are crude, noisy instruments...better suited to a dance hall with straw on the floor, I should think. Cats, on the other hand, are subtle and gorgeous creatures, full of natural grace and wisdom.

Kindly end this odious discussion. Hrothgar, I had better not find you roaming about Twillingsgate!

Ms Penelope Rutledge, Twillingsgate, U.K.