The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #53234   Message #818113
Posted By: MikeofNorthumbria
04-Nov-02 - 11:53 AM
Thread Name: Obit: Lonnie Donegan (1931-2002)
Subject: RE: Obit: Lonnie Donegan
Lonnie was booked to play at Newcastle Opera House this coming Thursday. Last year, at the same venue, he nearly lifted the roof off, and only got away (after several encores) by promising to come back again real soon. Now we'll just have to stay home and play a few of his records instead.

What a performer he was ... I never saw him give anything less than total commitment to his material, and to his audience. Moreover, because of him, tens of thousands of people discovered that music didn't have to be something that was done for them - it could be something they did for themselves, and for their friends. He started a revolution, of which we're all the beneficiaries.

Rest in peace, Lonnie: your work lives on