The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #53001   Message #818151
Posted By: Grab
04-Nov-02 - 12:30 PM
Thread Name: Ethics: Skinning housecat for banjo head
Subject: RE: Ethics: Skinning housecat for banjo head
Ms Rutledge should see the amount of gorgeous cat crap in my front garden, admire the subtle manner in which other people's animals have vandalised my flowerbed, and marvel at the delicate screeching of those vermin that fills the air when I'm trying to go to sleep...

If it's a tame animal, the owner can compensate me for damage to garden and time taken to clean up the crap. And if it's a wild animal, there's nothing legally stopping me shooting it and skinning it if it comes in my garden.

Frankly, I'm not sure there's anything you could do to a cat that would be regarded as excessive cruelty. I don't think there's anything you could do to a cat that would be *too* cruel.


PS. There's more than one way to skin a cat. I know...