The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #53257   Message #818280
Posted By: Murph10566
04-Nov-02 - 02:42 PM
Thread Name: Mudcatter Goes to Washington
Subject: Mudcatter Goes to Washington
Just to let any DC area 'Catters know that I'll be headed their way on Wednesday, November 6th.

I've been invited to participate in the Musical Tribute to Veterans to be held at the Lincoln Memorial (Reflecting Pond).   The Tribute will kick off a series of events which will commemorate the 20th Anniversary of the dedication of the Vietnam Veterans Memorial (Veterans Day, Nov. 11th).

I'm scheduled to appear around 3:00 PM that afternoon, and I hope if any of you are in the vicinity, you'll stop by to say hello.   Some other performers slated are Irish Tenor John McDermott, Paul Revere & the Raiders, and Bill (Country Roads) Danoff...

Should be a memorable occasion; hope to see some of you there.

Stay Tuned,