The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #53268   Message #818514
Posted By: Kelticgrasshopper
04-Nov-02 - 07:11 PM
Thread Name: Cape Breton group The Cottars
Subject: Cape Beton group The Cottars
Hi everyone, wanted to let people know about a concert on December 7, 2002 featuring The Cottars a hot band from Cape Breton. These four youngsters ( all under 16) are amazing. They are talented well beyond their years, vocals inGaleic, accomplished on fiddle, piano, bodhran tin whistle and guitar. This event is sponsered by Hisroric Deerfield and will be held at The White Church Community Center, Memorial Street, Deerfield. Tickets are $12 in advance by calling 413-775-7214 MasterCard/Visa accepted. If you live abywhere close you really should come. Check them out at