The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #53263   Message #818765
Posted By: catspaw49
05-Nov-02 - 02:24 AM
Thread Name: Lyr Add: If you're happy and you know... (antiwar)
Subject: RE: If you're happy and you know it...
I think Carlin has it figured out.....We're big on bombing brown people.

The way I see it myself is that if you got a country with brown people, we'll bomb the livin' shit out of you. Now we're no longer too big on yellow people because after WWII, we met with limited success in bombing yellow people. Now if you have really black people in your country, you probably don't have enough GNP to make it worthwhile and probably don't have anything we want. The exception to this is South Africa but bombing them is out of the question as we have to have somewhere in the world we can point to as a place where we stood up to the old goverment in favor of civil rights for the masses. It wasn't working too well at home here so we had to go elsewhere.

Red people are a possibility now. Before a few years ago, we had managed to put them in places within our own country that were about uninhabitable, but they persisted in trying to make a go of it and now that gambling has made them wealthier, I'd say they are a legitimate target. Of course we won't do that. Not because we don't want to bomb them, but since they've improved the value of the shitty real estate we stuck them with, we wouldn't want to screw up the investment. Far better if we just relocate them again.

White folks are pretty much out of the picture too anymore since no one can understand the new Eurodollar and besides, they haven't had a really persistent fuckwit like Hitler in a long time. Most can't even measure up to Mussolini, a completely lame and ignominius asshole that could really have made it big in the past decade in the former Yugoslavia. I mean there are some white countries we could bomb, but we're making too much money selling them weapons and such so they can protect themselves from each other.

No, the real target has to be the brown countries......They're all that's left.
