The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #53144   Message #818893
Posted By: GUEST,Taliesn
05-Nov-02 - 06:30 AM
Thread Name: BS: Michael Moore's Bowling for Columbine
Subject: RE: BS: Michael Moore's Bowling for Columbine
"Taliesn: Methinks you are a bit too defensive of your own point of view. You do this by personally attacking me for not agreeing with you evidently."

First comes your "Red Herring" toss concerning Heston, then you hurl your own well-ripened buffalo-chip about some imagined "personal attack". I'd be most enlightened for you to produce the cut & paste quote from my post that you apparently perceive as a "personal attack" because I did *no* such thing.
I 8was* rebutting* your whine about supposed attacking of Heston.....
"He believes strongly in his convictions, and expresses them. Anything wrong with that (other than it might be contrary to your own?) You express yours, don't you?"

To which I challenge you on this whine by paraphrasing it...
"..but you seem to deride any opinion that differs from yours every bit as much as you appear to accuse others here of committing."

Unless you also take personal umbrage by your *chosen* identification with the NRA "as represented" by Heston and/or Wayne LaPierre or the self-proclaimed "right wingers" whom readily hoot and hollar and rebel-yell whenever their right to take a human life is amplified by either of these two's well-chosen words then you're about as thin-skinned and "defensive" as it gets.

I purposely deal with *issues* and the only one I've personally attacked was Wayne LaPierre, head of NRA , for his imbecilic , and very publicly broadcast , derision and dismissal of the legitimacy muzzle signatures of fired bullets as an I.D. method
( which is the "official" position of NRA ) in the first week of the sniper only to see the praise of the law enforcement Americans successfully ridding innocent Amercian citizens of the sniper *precisley* because of positive muzzle signature forensic identification.

For that act *alone* Wayne LaPieree has made a horse's ass of the NRA membership whom continue to support this wingnut as their head mouthpiece 2nd only to the "voice of Moses" whose every NRA bully-pulpitted word is used to promote the Right Wing extremist agenda that the NRA has been hijacked by.

I will now challenge you on yet another "dodging of the issue" since , considering *all* of the bones of contention I chose to cite, all you chose to pretend to be an issue iwith you is this total fiction that I personally attacked you and then use this laughable pretense to say nothing else on the issues raised.

This is hardly how *honest* debate is conducted and some prefer honesty defending your own position instead of pretending personal offrense and using this as an excuse for ducking honest rebuttal of the issues entirely.

Your call.