The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #53257   Message #818911
Posted By: Murph10566
05-Nov-02 - 07:05 AM
Thread Name: Mudcatter Goes to Washington
Subject: RE: Mudcatter Goes to Washington
Good morning,

    Thanks, Mick; I'll salute 'em all, for those of us who can't be there...

And every Name's a Father, or a Husband, or a Son,
Or a Daughter, or a Brother, or a Cousin to Someone;
Or a Name might be a Classmate, or a Friend you may recall -
There's nearly sixty thousand Fallen Names still waiting at The Wall.

    Thanks, Mary; did you know it was recorded by a namesake of yours ?   Pat Garvey, whom I'll expect to see this coming weekend at Pat Troy's in Alexandria, VA...

    Stay tuned,