The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #53311   Message #819470
Posted By: NicoleC
05-Nov-02 - 07:31 PM
Thread Name: BS: Fun Cursors (Comet Cursor)
Subject: RE: BS: Fun Cursors (Comet Cursor)
Bear in mind that Comet Cursor got caught collecting data without their user's permissions. While the company insists they are only collecting info on cursors and not personal info (and by all reports, that's true), it wasn't exactly nice of the company to do so without notifying users.

My personal beef is that folks all over my office with win95 and Win98 have installed the program -- or rather, it installs itself if you aren't careful, particularly with the older version of RealPlayer -- and their machines tend to be plaqued by mysterious crashes and system resource lockups. I can't say for sure it's Comet Cursor, because I do a thorough cleaning when there's a problem found with a machine, but it does seem to be the common denominator.

So if your computer starts mysteriously acting up after installing it...