The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #52579   Message #819559
Posted By: Willie-O
05-Nov-02 - 10:20 PM
Thread Name: Which guitar?
Subject: RE: Which guitar?
I don't entirely get it...if there's this big whacking protectionist tariff on imported instruments, isn't there a reason for that other than to complicate your life and give customs officers a rationale for special training in guitar valuation fraud???

And wouldn't the reason be to encourage a domestic guitar manufacture industry, at all price levels, somewhere in the EU?

So are those good medium price European guitars out there, or is this just counterproductive protectionism? (I'm fine with protectionism if it serves a useful purpose.)

I know about Lowdens and Fyldes, aren't there more?

I've often wondered, what do the customs people do if you "repatriate" a used guitar to its country of origin?