The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #53274   Message #819768
Posted By: InOBU
06-Nov-02 - 07:30 AM
Thread Name: BS: CIA at Work- Anyone Surprised?
Subject: RE: BS: CIA at Work- Anyone Surprised?
Guest, Wolfgang et al.: I want you to think long and hard before you reply to this... in fact go out and rent the film which I am about to paraphrase... Man for all seasons. Thomas Moore says to a young zealot, Would you deny the devil the law? The zealot says of course, and Moore replies, and then when you corner the devil and he turns on you... what will YOU hide behind. This is the difference between Oliver Cromwell and Moore. Moral outrage must be tempered by wisdom. We may yet wish we had the law to hide behind when the US finds itself actually facing terrorism on the scale that say Isreal does. Will we think it was a good idea to wake the bear without a plan other than try and kill him and hope there are no other bears in the cave. Fact is most Americans do not realize the impression such illegal actions give the rest of the world. Some folks will react to it as a call to war, and the sad part is they are as wrong as we are, and in the end, you and I no longer have the law to hide behind. We are in a world spinning towards barbarism. We have open the gates to the vizagoths, and called them statesmen.