The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #53274   Message #820809
Posted By: Bobert
07-Nov-02 - 12:11 PM
Thread Name: BS: CIA at Work- Anyone Surprised?
Subject: RE: BS: CIA at Work- Anyone Surprised?
Well, not to play devil's advocate, BUT if these guys were in such an isolated area of Yemen then why not an Apache helicopter or two and an attempt to...ahhh... capture these folks? Hey, if they fired at ya' then it would have sealed their fate but if they didn't then you'd have possibly six bad guys with a lot fresher Al Queda information to attempt to extract than the information that is available from folks who have been detasined for the last year.

Upside #2: It would have been a more "civilized" and demonstrated a patience that the US must maintain in it's fight against bad guys.

Upside #3: It would have demonstrated the US core values of law and due process.

Upside #4: it would have gone along way toward enhancing other government's motivation to cooperate with the US. Heck, it has probably had the opposite effect.

Now I realize that there are a lot of folks who just can't wait for the big fire-works show but that's not a good enough excuse fir this ol' hillbilly. Be patient! Bush will get you all your war! And you can take that to the bank...
